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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  April 11, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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>> a day of grief and reflection in poland after an ill-fated flight left that country without its leader. and a massive run-up in washington. i'm juliet huddy and we're live as fox reports tonight. >> i mean, i cannot explain. >> thousands of people here in the u.s. and overseas mourning of loss of the polish first family, at the president's body returns to the nation's capital. tonight, an update on the investigation into the deadly crash. and left the worldwide community heart broken. >> i will not accept this offer from the foreign minister of poland accepted by the president of poland.
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>> it was once the gateway to a land and a new life. this will be a place where policy is debated. where significant meetings are held. >> a push to restore ellis island to its former glory. >> this could be something that the nation could be proud of. >> plus-- >> my mom and dad help me-- >> how one child's dream to help others earns him national fame and the bragging rights of bringing down texas stadi stadium. first, a nation in shock and mourning one day after a devastating plane crash in russia killed poland's president. his first lady and many of the country's top military and political leaders. today the body of president lech kaczynski's body was
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brought back and his kauth kneeling before the coffin and breaking down in tears. warsaw's crowded streets as poland mourns and investigation continues to figure out what exactly caused the crash. officials found no apparent technical problems on the plane, but according to investigators the pilot ignored warnings not to land because of heavy fog. it went down over the russian city of smolenks. the president and others were there to commemorate the massacre of polish. dozens of key national leaders were killed, an unprecedented blow to the political establishment. amy kellogg is following the story, streaming live from warsaw. amy? >> juliet, it's incredibly moving to see the sea of lightened candles spread out behind me for answer tire city block around the polish
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presidential palace. it's 1 a.m. in warsaw, it's cold outside, there are a lot of people here, laying flowers, paying respects. i spoke to one woman who said she'd come out here today because she couldn't bear to be home alone. she want today share her grief with her fellow poles and there was a lot of that today. people weren't necessarily talking with one another, but it was clear that they were deriving comfort from each other's presence. tens of thousands of people after that very emotional return of the president's body here in the coffin, lined the streets of warsaw to watch president kaczynski's coffin pass by. so many others died with him. from the head of the central bank, and credited with keeping poland uniquely in europe out of recession and the 90-year-old former president of the polish government in exile, a man who managed to escape a soviet death sentence 70 years earlier to the woman who's
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firing from the gadansk shipyards led to strikes and formation of the solidarity movement. and former solidarity leader, lech walensa says it's so much like the massacre where our heads were cut off. as you know, the russian-polish relations have been strained historically and the commemorations over the past week were a step towards reconciliation and people here are so raw and were expected to be quickly suspicious of or criticize russian efforts in the investigation and their raebs to this catastrophe. but people here have been very moved by prime minister putin's response to all of this. and particularly, his very warm embrace of prime minister donald tusk who traveled back to smolensk. >> thank you, julie.
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and president obama at the summit. the largest gathering since 1945 and the founding of the united nations. sitting down with a handful of delegations today sent of state hillary clinton made the talk show rounds setting the stage for the conference tomorrow. we often say that the threat of nuclear war as we used to think about it for the coal war has actually decreased, but the threat of nuclear terrorism has increased. >> julie kirtz is live at the white house with the latest. >> hi, juliet. even before the summit fieshl gets underway, president obama saying he feels good about the sense of urgency he sees among all the world leaders gathering here in washington. today, pre-summit, the president held a series of one-on-one meetings with world leaders at blair house, across from the white house. talking with leaders of india and pakistan two countries with nuclear programs. it was during his session with the president of south africa, he spoke to reporters and
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praised south africa for giving up its nuclear program and set the tone for the summit saying if al-qaeda does acquire nuclear weapons, it does not hesitate to use them. here is the president. >> and if there was ever a detonation in new york city or london or johannesburg, the ramifications economically and politically from a security perspective would be devastating and we know that organizations like al-qaeda are in the process of trying to secure nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction and would have no caution of using them. >> security is extremely tight during this large summit. one of the largest gatherings of world leaders in washington history. president obama kicks off the summit monday night with a working dinner, aides say he'll lead a discussion with the world leaders, asking them for their ideas on securing terrorism, securing weapons grade nuclear material. back to you.
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>> julie kirtz live in washington. thank you. >> meantime, iran's government is considering filing a complaint with the u.n. against president obama. at issue is the president's recent pledge not to use nuclear weapons against countries that don't have them. iran's assembly is protesting because the obama pact excludes iran and north korea. some 200 iranian lawmakers signed a petition, considering it a threat to world peace and security. the iran supreme leader says that obama's threatening language is proof that the u.s. cannot be trusted. no response from the white house. to afghanistan now where president karzai is meeting with members of the taliban urging them to lay down their arms. the afghan leader has been taking steps to smooth over a feud with the white house after he accused of west of voter fraud in the election and threatened to join the taliban. a strained the united states which has nearly 1,000 troops there fighting the taliban.
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karzai appearing with the top u.s. commander in the region, general david petraeus in a show of solidarity. here in the u.s., top officials also taking a conciliatory tone, malini wilkes with more on that from washington. malini? >> top cabinet officials insists the u.s. has a positive relationship with afghan leader hamid karzai suggesting recent tensions are partly the result of his confusion about how the american media works. karzai also seems to be trying to mend fences. visiting n.a.t.o. headquarters yesterday to meet with commander stanley mcchrystal. nothing like the last few weeks when he threatened to join the taliban if western leaders kept pressuring him on corruption and blamed the west for fraud in the afghan election. today, defense secretary robert gates says the u.s. have to show afghans we respect karzai as their sovereign leader. >> understand their sensitivity. this is a country that's been at war for almost two generations. they have had armies come in
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and leave and who paid no attention to afghan sovereignty. >> that's a much more moderate tone than we've heard since the friction with karzai been escalating following the president's visit to kabul last month. press secretary robert gibbs declined to call karzai an ally of the u.s. and suggested a karzai visit to the white house in may could be canceled. but today the administration said some of the tension with karzai was caused by critical stories in the u.s. media. >> there's some article making some outlandish claim and a leader often thinks it wouldn't be printed if the government weren't behind it so we do have some explaining to do, if you will, and that's not just true in afghanistan. we see that in many different kupts around the world. >> secretary clinton says both she and gates consider karzai a reliable partner. >> juliet. >> thank you, malini. yesterday's shootout at a crowded shopping center. police now looking for three
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suspects they say shot and killed a teenager and injured several more. details on a possible motive plus hear from witnesses who saw it all go down. that's coming up next. also, the desperate search for a little girl from vanished from her home two days ago. that's coming up just ahead. controlled freeze zone is a new technology... being developed by exxonmobil... to remove the co2 from the natural gas... so we can safely store it... where it won't get into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is spending more than 100 million dollars... to build a plant that will demonstrate this process. i'm very optimistic about it... because this technology could be used... to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly. ♪
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you said you bought a digiorno. but the pizza came with cheesy breadsticks. new digiorno pizza & breadsticks. taste. believe. it's not delivery. it's digiorno. she found the box. maybe because you left it right on the counter.
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my name is chef michael. and when i come home from my restaurant, i love showing bailey how special she is. yes, you are. i know exactly what you love, don't i? - [ barks ] - mmm. aromas like rotisserie chicken. and filet mignon. yeah, that's what inspired a very special dry dog food. [ woman ] introducing chef michael's canine creations. so tasty and nutritious it's hard to believe it's dry dog food. chef-inspired. dog-desired. chef michael's canine creations.
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>> back, an update now on a story that was breaking last night on the fox report. a 17-year-old boy dead and five other people wounded after a gun fight inside a crowded shopping mall. that according to police in mustkogee, oklahoma. authorities are looking for at least three suspects and the shooting may have been gang related. so far there have been no arrests and witnesses describing a horrific scene. >> i heard gunshots and everyone just like started scattering and screaming and we've seen like paramedics and body-- just laying, he was pumping this guy's chest. the worst experience of my life, really, it's the worst thing, i mean, it's just
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terrifying. >> juliet: officials say at least two of the five people wounded have been released from the hospital. a frantic search continuing at this hour in winter springs florida for a lost child. 11-year-old nadia bloom is missing and police say she's mildly autistic and suffers from attention deficit disorder. the operation including dogs, divers, and they're questioning known pedophiles who live in the vicinity. one neighbor told reporters she's playing for nadia's safe return. the mission for folks at save ellis island, restore one of america's great landmarks. the gateway or-- it was the gateway for countlet immigrants welcomed to the united states. it needs saving of its own, it's drying up and they need some dough. they need half a million dollars in a few weeks or the project will be history, too.
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laura ingle gets a look where the public rarely gets to seement. and she's in jersey city, new jersey. they've got to come up with it at the end of the month, right. >> that's right, you know, juliet. many people say ellis island has a greater story to tell if it could have a chance to show off what's happening on the south side of the island. millions of americans come here each and every year aboard a ferry. when they pull into the ferry basin, they get off and go to the right, to that building that you see behind me with those four gorgeous towers. but, what's happening to the left, there's a lot going on and it's not what a lot of people have a chance to see. the buildings and brick hallways that connect them on the 27 1/2 acre highland and have been vacant and unused for nearly half a century. save ellis island, working to restore the structure for public use has run out of money. if the group doesn't raise $500,000 to keep the current restoration projects going it
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will have to return 512,000 in grand money which will bring all operations to a screeching halt. >> historic preservation is an expensive venture and in the middle of the hudson river is more expensive. it was home to the 750 bed hospital where 1.2 immigrants were inspected and treated. babies were born here, lives saved and lost and the campus includes the former infectious disease ward and laundry out building that has the original machinery, washed and sterilized the bedding used by immigrant patients. >> this is the room that public can't see right now? >> no, tease buildings have been unavailable to the public since 1964. so unless we restore it and allow the public to come, they will remain unable to come and see. >> all of it helps to tell the story of ellis island. it's a history lesson remained untold unless save ellis island can raise the funds.
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>> this is a place where policy was debated. significant meetings were held and people had symposium where they experienced other ethnicities and appreciate each other. >> and it's important to know that we're not talking about the possible closing of the ellis island museum. that will remain open. the fund raising efforts are about those 30 structures right next to it, but the folks here definitely want you to check out the website at save ellis so you can learn more about how to donate some funds so that people will have a chance to go over and see things like the laundry mangler which was inside the laundry outbuilding at the hospital. back to you. >> juliet: amazing stuff. i hope they make it in time. thanks, laura. the first time in a decade an ancient relic goes on a display. millions of pilgrims expected to show up. we'll have the details next. if you're taking 8 extra strength tylenol a day...
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>> welcome back. today marks the start of israel's sal lem national event. and israel rile's prime minister netanyahu and shimon peres, at the museum, hundreds of survivors and israeli diplomates. an air raid siren will sound and the nation will observe two minutes of silence for the holocaust victims. it's a piece of linen many believe was used for jesus after crucifix, the shroud of turin has been locked in a secret room and the public has rarely gotten a chance to see it. it's going on display in italy and millions are expected to turn out to see it.
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greg burke with the story from churen, italy, greg? >> hi, juliet, that's right. a lot of very excited people in turin this weekend, as it is the first time in ten years that the shroud does go on display. the throughed is one of the most serious pieces of cloth anywhere in the world and lots of theories and debate, lots of study surrounding it and plenty of conflict, really. many people who do actually believe it is the burial cloth that covered christ after his death, others who don't an and say that it dates actually from medieval time. plenty of debate, but lots of people going there looking for that glimpse, however faded, of the face of christ over the next six weeks are expecting close to 2 million people lining up to get into the cathedral just for a couple of minutes, really, to see the image. there are millions who come every year anyway, even when it's wrapped in a silver box such as the draw of the shroud of turin.
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when it's actually on display and you can see it yourself, they come all the more and finally, juliet, it's interesting, i talked with one visitor today, he said the shroud is not an article of faith. to be a christian you don't have to believe it's true. to be a christian you have to believe that christ died and rose again. if you think it's real, it's quite a moving experience to see it. julie. >> juliet: greg burke in turin, italy. thanks, greg. new developments in the plane crash that killed the president of poland. investigators are deciphering those black boxes, will they reveal what happened in the final moments of that tragic flight. somali pirates striking again and now the italian navy is on the way. the latest on the hijacking coming up next. [ female announcer ] last year, the u.s. used
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>> welcome back, i'm skrul yet huddy and this is the fox report this. d. time for the top of the news. if al-qaeda has a chance for a nuclear, would the terrorist group use it, that warning for president obama as leaders arrived in washington for a two day summit and loose nukes. 47 nations including the u.s. are taking part in the summit. new questions over the future of our pending nuclear treaty with russia. independent senator joe lieberman from connecticut expressing doubt the arms treaty would pass muster on capitol him.
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there are still parts of the deal that pre sent him from supporting it. the treaty will have to pass both congress and russia's federal assembly. new developments in the investigation of the plane crash killing the president of poland, the first lady and an entire 95 member delegation. the soviet built airliner crashing over russia yesterday and leaders around the world stepping up to the microphones expressing their sadness today for poland's loss. >> i think the whole world will be saddened and sorrow as a result of the tragic plane crash of president kaczynski and his wife maria and the party with them. >> with this plane consternation we heard of the crash of the plane of the president of poland lech kaczynski. >> now, polish investigators are getting the data recording at the last data of the flight. dana lewis with the news from moscow. >> russians are saying no question about it, this was
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pilot error. the body of president kaczynski was removed and flown home to warsaw after a solemn ceremony earlier in the day. the military airfield, and the body of the president was boarded on a plane and a military honor guard including prime minister putin. marking the 70th anniversary of the murder of thousands of polish officers murdered by the soviets when his plane crashed at the same airport where the ceremony took place. the aircraft approached the airport twice and diverted to another airport, but landed anywhere. it clipped the tops of trees, crashed and burned. 96 dead including the polish president, chiefs of navy, air force, army, many members of the opposition party were killed and the russians removed the bodies from the crash site overnight and moved them to moscow and still had
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not been able to identify the remains of the president's wife with him on the accuracy at the time of the crash. the flight recorders recovered yesterday are being examined jointly by the poles and the russians together. they want to hear those cockpit conversations, juliet and try to discover why did those pilots continue on to try and land at such low visibility, back to you. >> juliet: thank you, dana. somali pirates striking again off the coast of africa, hijacking a ship. today an italian warship is headed to the position to investigate. the 7700 ton vessel was reportedly having engine trouble when it was hijacked. security experts say at that piracy in the indian ocean is spiking and will continue to plague shipping lanes until an effective government in somalia is established. what's it take to win this battle in computerized day and age? you're going to get a firsthand look why our military isn't fighting your father's war anymore, "war
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stories with oliver north." high-tech battles on the battlefield at nine this evening on the fox news channel. and here is a sneak peek for you. >> let's go find oliver north. i'd like to get your eyes on the airfield. it's just to the side of major north, running msr. >> and rally confirmed, this is the target. >> predator shooting the video is two miles in the sky and yet, you can see clearly everything on the ground. in this case we were the target. >> affirmative, your cross hairs are right on the target. >> he's talking to the actual crew flying the aircraft overhead and he's talking to them on a direct com link and looking at the actual image on what we call the rover system which allows the ground j-tag to have a direct feed from the aircraft to see exactly what he ants to look at. >> so they've already found us from several miles in the sky because you called them, talked them in, told them what the target is, and here we
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are. >> some of the survivors of haiti's devastating earthquake relocating to a more permanent home and a 13-year-old sets out to conquer the world's highest mountain. those are just two stops as we go around the world in 80 seconds. thailand, anti-government protesters rejecting talk of possible negotiations. as some of the demonstrators carried the coffins of those killed in clashes with government troops. it's the worst political violence to hit thailand in nearly two decades. 21 people killed. the streets littered with tear gas canisters and the opposition calling for the government to dissolve. thailand's prime minister says he will not step down. haiti, some of the victims of january's devastating earthquake moving it higher ground. leaving muddy overcrowded refugee camps behind in port-au-prince. the shanty towns vulnerable to floods and 75,000 displaced people still live in temporary camps outside the capital.
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australia, salvage crews rushing to head off a disaster, pumping heavy fuel oil off the ship. nepal. a 13-year-old american boy setting out to become the youngest person to climb the highest peak, mt. everest. the previous record hold was 16 and lost five fingers to frostbite as part of the climb. it's part of the quest to con ter the highest peak, he's already conquered mount kell man jarro. >> well, in the end it was not to be tiger woods victory. all eyes on tiger as he returned to the green after the explosive sex scandal. and despite an impressive showing, tiger will not be donning the famous green blazer, that will go to phil mickleson, his third master's title. and phil keating joining us live from augusta, georgia, as
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he has with the low point and highlights. good to see you again, phil. it was a five month hiatus that mr. woods took and probably didn't help him out too much, did it? >> right. i reported this morning that it was kind of improbable that tiger woods would be able to pull off a come from behind victory today because 18 of the previous 19 masters winners were in the last pairing of the day and today the last pairing was phil mickleson and lee westwood and in fact, phil mickelson ended up winning, minus 16 for the entire four day tournament. three strokes ahead of number two, lee westwood and tiger woods came in fourth place at minus 11. five strokes off of mickleson. so did he not win it as he said he intended to do. tiger woods spoke out for us, saying he came here specifically to win the masters and the green jacket, but it was not to be. he did not play very well today. and had numerous bogeys. and just simply mickleson played that good. >> juliet: i want to focus on
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phil mickleson, but tiger has always been the headline of the masters tournament. earlier in the week he said you know, he was going to kind of tone down the emotions and not lose his temper, but it looked like he was losing his temper again yesterday. >> yeah, he did yesterday. he hit a bad shot and said, tiger woods you suck, followed by some other comments and it was picked up on the microphones and broadcast live on television. and he was asked about that today because he also showed some visible signs of perhaps being very peeved at his game and he told the interviewer that he thinks the world is making a little much of him controlling his emotions or not controlling his emotions. he said, look, i kept hitting bad shots, i'm not going to be jovial and pep in my step. i had a bad day. didn't hit the ball well. if i'd hit better on friday and today was the day when he really need today address make ago lot of underpar holes and just failed to happen for him. >> juliet: well, he probably has a lot of other things on
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his mind. phil, thanks. and once again congratulations to phil mickleson winning today, his third masters victory. could one of the breath taking vistas be at the end. the panoramic view may be at an end. a treasury trove off the oregon coast. wait until you see what lies beneath. [ female announcer ] it's lobsterfest... when we turn lobster into irresistible creations. like new wood-grilled lobster and parmesan scampi... our signature lobster lover's dream... and eleven more choices. ending soon at red lobster.
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that was the pizza guy! and baby, he was messy. come on. you said you bought a digiorno. but the pizza came with cheesy breadsticks. breadsticks? i guess there was a pizza guy. yes there was... me. ( laughs ) new digiorno pizza & breadsticks. unbelievable fresh-baked taste, now with a full order of soft, cheesy breadsticks. taste. believe. it's not delivery. it's digiorno pizza & breadsticks. she found the box. maybe because you left it right on the counter. if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, you may also have very high triglycerides -- too much fat in the blood. it's a serious medical condition. lovaza, along with diet, effectively lowers very high triglycerides in adults but has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or strokes. lovaza starts with omega-3 fish oil that's then purified and concentrated. it's the only omega-3 medication that's fda-approved. you can't get it at a health food store. lovaza isn't right for everyone.
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ingenuity. space walkers had to pull a hammer out and pry bar to get the job done. seven hours later with some banging and pulling, they mapped to replace the cooling tank with a new one. this is rick and clayton's second space walk in three days. their shuttle discovery is scheduled to return it earth a week from tomorrow. one of san diego's most majestic views, a decade long tradition that many fear soon will drift out of sight. here is what we're talking about, san diego's hot air balloons have given tourists memorable rides for years now. local lawmakers are clamping down on the balloonists sansom feel it the past time may be grounded for good. casey, what's the story there? >> juliet, say it ain't so. beautiful san diego is known for many things, the famed gas land district, of course, the padres and the chargers and also the hot air balloon ride that were you talking about. the hot air weather mixed with
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the spectacular views from above. making the region popular for the rides and attracting thousands of tourists around the world and more than 3500 hot air balloon takeoffs are recorded every year. but now the city cracking down on the balloon companies, saying the pilots often touch down on either priority property or public land that is protected, allegedly doing damage along the way. >> my primary concern is the habitat conservation, so when the balloons try to slow down by hitting a tree or when the gone dole la drags in the winnie weather chase vehicle goes to pick them up, vegetation is trampled and destroyed. operators disagree, saying they're all for protecting the environment and they argue that it's difficult to steer the balloons because they mostly float where the wind car is them, but say it has been a popular activity for decades so they really don't understand what all of the recent fuss is about.
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>> the city is it kind of coming down on us, the parks and rec department after us and if they spent half as much time as they send chasing us and trying to catch us do something wrong when they never do, but if they just would spend half as much time working with us, guys, let's work together. >> all right, so the city had issued a handful of vietations and fines can reach all the way up to $2500 and also, six months behind bars. if you're caught, park rangers are out patrolling areas where these balloons are known to land and they say that they are not putting up with it anymore. juliet. >> oh, i hope they can work things out, it's a beautiful sight not that i want to get oun one of those. thank you very much, casey, live in san diego. moving on now, a utah mom, she's been missing since december, but friends and loved ones are not giving up on finding her. this weekend, a massive search and rescue underway to find 28-year-old susan powell. dozens of volunteers combing the desert near her home.
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all the teams equipped with technology and dogs trained to find cadavers. parachuters searching from the area above, to cover more ground in less time. the only person of interest in the case is powell's husband. he says the day she disappeared he was in an overnight camping trip in the desert with the couple's two very young children on what was one of the coldest days of the year. a homecoming and wild car chase turns deadly two stops as we go across america. indiana, a 15-year-old driver leads police on a high speed chase before crashing into a utility pole. we're told the car flipped and burst into flames. the driver made it out, but two teenage passengers killed in the crash. >> you can tell right away it wasn't good because there were flames, you know, 40 feet in the air. >> the officer was trying to stop them from speeding. nevada, thousands rally in las vegas. >> they want congress to give
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millions of illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. >> we've been fighting for over 15 years and about time. >> senate majority lead are harry reid addressed the ground promising a new immigration bill this year, but those who want amnesty will have to pay a price. >> there will ab penalty, a fine, work, pay taxes stay out of trouble. >> the chances of passing the overhaul is slim with the country still facing high unemployment. >> shifting sands and low tide revealed the ship wreck in the early 20th century. the ship used to haul goods in and out of the bay and going full speed when it ran aground in heavy fog in 1929. washington, the crew of the u.s.s. ingram returning home after a seven month deployment. daddy coming home. >> emotions running high. >> it feels good to be home, feels real good. it's surreal. >> they say the best part of deployment is coming home.
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that's a fox watch across america. >> a legendary stadium, nothing more than a memory now. we'll tell you why the dallas cowboys had to say goodbye it their long time home. that's coming up. plus, a devastating earthquake in haiti followed by a series of major quakes around the world. is this normal? we're going to hear from the experts coming up.
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. >> mike: updating a break breaking story. word a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in spain. southeast of the city of grenada. no reports so far of damage or injuries, but we're hearing the depth of this quake means
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we're likely to see little damage from the quake and we'll give you the latest as we get it throughout this evening. cowboy's legendary stadium came crashing down and a 11-year-old got to do the honors. wow, look at that. with that, texas stadium, no longer. more than a ton of dynamite levelling the giant dome in a planned demolition, obviously, after nearly 40 season playing there, the cowboys are getting a new 1.2 billion dollar state of the art facility. casey rogers got to set off the demolition because he won a nationwide essay contest writing about his charity which provides food and clothes to the homeless. >> and so, my mom and dad, will you guys help me.... >> we're told it took about 30 seconds to reduce the historic stadium to nothing, but what
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you see there, rubble. well, it was one of the deadliest and most destruct tiff earthquakes recorded, the massive quake that hit haiti, a month later 8.8 quake struck in chile. experts calling that one, quote, a mega thrust, the most powerful type of earthquake on the planet and then last week, a major earthquake striking in mexico near the u.s. border followed by 7.7 magnitude trembler in indonesia and another lake quake today struck in spain. are earthquakes more frequent or does it seem that way? our alicia acuna talked to experts to find out. >> at the earthquake center in golden, colorado are used to the questions coming in via phone and e-mail. >> is this the end of the world? >> news of tremblers in mexico, haiti, chile and indonesia are coming in short orders and the world headquarters for tracking quakes, seismically speaking
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it's pretty normal. >> you can expect earthquakes in regions where we're known to have earthquakes. >> and they can occur in clusters which may explain why this year has been front loaded with so much activity and combine that fact with the human imagination. >> i received a call from a psychiatrist who is getting an influx of patients who are really concerned about the end of days. >> but the reality is, the number of large earthquakes so far in 2010 means we're on track for an average year. what is different, the number of deaths by quakes so far. almost all of which took place in haiti. scientists say the massive amounts of destruction in haiti makes the public more aware and therefore, more afraid. in the last 20 years, the number of size graphs, 4,000 monitors measure the earth's movement so the scientists can track more quakes and get the information out there quicker and that, too, can add to the perception that the world has
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become less stable. in golden, colorado, alicia, acuna, fox news. >> juliet: an enterprising woman adding more to her cleaning service, they do windows, but not necessarily while they're wearing any clothes. stay tuned. mayo's always saying how real it is. we agree. it's real... boring. ♪ are you up for some sandwich-kicking flavor? are you miracle whip? ♪ [ male announcer ] we make them beautiful. ♪ we make them tougher. ♪
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>> sunday's showdown at the masters and the tiger woods comeback was no match for phil mickleson and the man who led to the aa finals from his team and school, peter of fox sports is here. what do you think, phil mickleson wins the masters and we're still talking about tiger woods. one big surprise is that tiger didn't have the final push in the last round and he three putted a bogey, but good for phil.
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here is the media hoopla about tiger and here is phil mickleson, a tough year for him both his wife and mother diagnosed with breast cancer this year. and hoopla with the tiger woods and his marriage stuff and then you've got a guy like phil mickleson. >> and butler, if america falls in love with this basketball team and then the coach, obviously, you know, somebody to be commended, the school really commended him, didn't they? >> what happened. >> 33-year-old coach and they rewarded him with a 12 year contract, extended the deal to 2022. i don't know if that exists, it's like a sky phi movie. 12 year extension and that's good in this time because a lot of teams these days, the coaches do well and go on to bigger teams and kind of thanks and go to the next step. here he's staying with the small school, butler and-- >> i don't know the numbers, but got offers from a lot of
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big schools and more money than anyone. >> and finally marked the end of the regular season in the nhl and flyers do or die game. >> played the rangers, winners goes to the playoffs and loser goes home and a shootout and the flyers won in the shootout. the rangers are done and flyers to the mroo playoffs and the yankees beat the phillies in the world series last year and the eagles owned the giants in the nfl and pliers put an end to the rangers season and philly beating new york, as new york, i don't know if i like that. >> are you a yankees fan. >> i am a yankees fan. they were working. >> juliet: isn't it great we found it out. appreciate it. an entrepreneur in new orleans offering clients a little bit more by giving them a little bit less. actually a lot less. clothing, that is, the idea was born out of the economic down turn for just 120 bucks your maid will clean your house in the buff. according to the company's
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owner, customers can pick from the half dozen different maids isn't that sweet, the business owner says this is totally legal and by the way, there is a no touching policy. so far, not surprisingly business is booming. all right. recapping the day's top stories, tens of thousands of people in mourpg following the death of poland's president and first lady including several top officials yesterday. the president's flag draped coffin led in a solemn ceremony to the presidential palace and we're told the government is taking steps to fill the graps in leadership and an investor in russia says so far they found no obvious signs of mechanical appropriates with the plane. two of five people hurt in a mall shooting in oklahoma have been released from the hospital. a teenager was killed when gun fight erupted inside the busy mall. the police are searching for three people in connection with the shooting. so far no arrests have been made. and on this day in 1970,
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apollo 13 launches into orbit, but the mission would never be completed. apollo 13 made it into space with little trouble, but two days later an electrical malfunction cause add oxygen tank to simply explode, exploded and took out apollo's other main oxygen tank and electrical power leaving the astronauts with just enough backup power and air to last a few hours, the only option evacuate to the lunar module and head back to earth. a risky decision that ultimately saved the crew's life. houston we have a problem, 40 years ago today. and now you know the news as fox reports this sunday, april 11th, 2010. i'm juliet huddy. thank you very much for watching and once again, if you haven't heard this yet, phil mickleson wins it, congratulations to him and his family, we'll see you back family, we'll see you back here tomorrow. captioned by closed captioning services, inc.


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